\paperw4260 \margr0\margl0 \plain \qj\li105\ri105 \f1 \b Saint-Lazare in Autun\par
\b0 The cathedral of Saint-Lazare is one of the masterpieces of twelfth-century Romanesq
ue art that are scattered along the route to Santiago de Compostela. It has a unique set of chapels decorated with frescoes and of sculptures representing the \i Last Judgment\i0 on the tympanum of the main portal. These were carved by a certain Gislebe
rtus, who must have got his training in the workshops of VΘzelay and Cluny. He signed his work, which includes an inspired figure of \i Eve\i0 , now in the MusΘe Rolin in Autun, who appears to be gliding naked through the trees of the Garden of Eden whil
e she plucks the forbidden fruit with her left hand.\par